It is also interesting to take it to the micro level: Enter Corporate speak and enter church social groups. I have noticed that in my current job more then a few people have been saying the term "skin in the game" as one example, and if you have ever worked in corporate America you can probably think about a few of the ones in your job...but I skip to my favorite and that is my Intervarsity Christian fellowship days at Chico CA. I was part of the "Leadership Team" here are some phrases everyone used: "Being intentional with people" this is code for making a sincere effort to spend time with someone that one does not want to spend time with.
"It's hard, but it's good" was a classic for people to fall back on when they would have trouble verbalizing some of the pitfalls of taking up ones own cross and following Jesus. When I went to Chico every No Cal person would casually drop the term "Hella" as in "dude hella cool" That term stayed up there and never migrated...who came up with Hella? BTW Hella is synonym for 'very'.
Sports teams are another example but all I can remember from my days of playing organized water sports are Yugoslavian curse words...