"Hi, I'm a slimy weasel"
Anyways, ole Johnny boy has said this in the past..."I want to see our party lead on the great moral issues-yes me a democrat using that word-the great moral issues that face our country" "If we want to live in a moral, honest, just America and if we want to live in a moral and just world, we can't wait for somebody else to do it. We have to do it."
(Safe to say that hours after making this speech Johnny boy was in his love nest with one of his many women on the side, and apparantly the "morals" Johnny was referring to was betraying your wife while she is dying of cancer.
And that makes Johnny a hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like Rush Limbaugh was a hyprocite when he condemed irresponsibilty and drug use, while he was 200 pounds overweight, and taking so much oxycontin it temporarily cost him his hearing!
Anyways I am definitely tuning in nightline this evening to see this weasel act all shamed and contrite.
P.S. Props the the "National Enquirer" for breaking this whole thing....(I knew it was true because Johnny didn't issue a vehement denial and say he was suing for 100 million dollars)
***Update: drudge just posted Johnny's "statement" in it he says that the affair took place for a short time in '06 and ended then....Uh question, maybe I am just dim but if it ended how come Johnny met her 3 weeks ago at the Beverly Hills Hilton until 2:30 in the morning? I love how after these politicians get caught they dismiss the person they cheated with as "the woman" or "that woman" ....classic and endlessly fascinating.
****Update #2: Riel Hunter (Johnny's babymama) has nixed the idea of a paternity test....Johnny has funnelled her millions....he is worth about 40 million dollars, why not spend it on hush money?
Looks like the "Breck Girl" got busted!!! Another politician that has not morals. I guess they think that when WE the American people vote them into office that is also means a free pass to whatever and whomever they want to betray and abuse. This is right up there with Teddys leaving Mary Jo K. to drown in the river while he was saving his own sorry "ass ets". Now we have another self righteous politician that thinks that he can stomp on whomever he wants. Sadly in this case, John Edwards wife, who will most likely be dead by the end of the year from cancer!! Now she not only has to fight the evils of cancer but has to face the American people and play the forgiving wife. It is beyond the pale!!! I pray that John Edwards will be selling pencils on the side of the street by the time this is over. love ya, Susan
Yes, Yes, stone the man! I only wish we lived in a just and righteous time where we could douse John Edwards in honey and have wild hyenas rip his limbs off! At a minimum he should be forced to wear a scarlet A on his blazer and be paraded through the streets so small children could throw stones at him! Any man who cheats on his wife is not qualified to hold office! If we allow people who cheat on their wife, break the marriage vows and go after women 23 years their junior we will be thrown into a dark moral abyss. Thank God we have such moral men as Rush (drug addict) William Bennett (gambling addict) Larry Craig (gay cruiser) and most of all Mark Foley (gay pedophile) to lead us as a just and moral nation. Thank God John McCain is such a moral example, wait a sec.....
Ah, let us not forget to include the other Dems on this subject and other moral issues. But the list is so long I would be typing until my hands fell off. However who could forget the most famous of the all. Teddy Chappaquiddick, JFK Monroe, Spitzer hooker for hire and oh yes Clinton "cigar" Lewinsky!!! Quite impressive. Although I don't believe that any of the people mentioned by Matt had spouses that were dying of cancer. Edwards affair and most likely his "love child" will certainly put the final nail in the coffin for his wife. Stress is the enemy particularly when one is fighting a disease like cancer. love ya, Susan
So cheating on your spouse is worse than hitting on underage boys or picking up dudes in bathrooms? Strange logic....
The point that I am illustrating, again, is that if you are disgusted/angry/hurt at John Edwards than you must be disgusted/hurt/angry at McCain because he did the EXACT SAME THING. Or do we just choose what to be outraged by because they have an R or a D next to their name?
I just found it interesting, Matt that you only mentioned Reps and no Dems. I think it all stinks. And personally I don't give a flip what John Edwards does. However cheating on your dying wife is beyond the pale. love ya, Susan
I might be wrong but I have read your comment that you posted BEFORE I responded on this blog and it was YOU who brought up another democrat, Ted Kennedy. You introduced the idea of slamming other democrats so I was merely following your lead by bringing up other politicians and political commentators who are hypocrites. Please explain why you claim " you find it interesting that I only mention Republicans." Where is your mention of Republicans? I guess it's do as I say, not as I do.
I mentioned the only politician, Ted Kennedy that in my opinion ranked in the gutter as far as what Edwards did to his dying wife. Plus Rush Limbaugh and Bill Bennett were not elected officials so I really do not understand why you included them in your blog response. Not that it doesn't mean that what they did was right but I didn't cast a vote for them to fight the cause for my particular state. I mentioned Ted Kennedy because he left a women to die is right up there with what Edwards did to his dying wife. Could have been a Rep. that I mentioned but I am not aware of a Rep. that left someone to die or sped up someones demise.
I am sure that there are people on both sides that I did not mention. It just happens that Ted Kennedy came to mind. love ya, susan
Is this a contest to see who gets the last word? Cuz I can play it like Lionel Richie. The reason I brought up Rush and Bennet is because they are self righteous windbags who screamed about the lack of morality in the Democratic party. Yet Rush is a drug addict who was doing sleazy drug deals in roadside parking lots and Benett published a book on virtues while running up a five million dollar gambling debt all over Vegas. My point again is that McCain cheated on his wife with a 23 year-old! McCain did the exact same thing as Clinton yet I have not heard one Republican cite this as an example of his lack of integrity or character. So, the obvious conclusion is Republicans use other politicians indescritions as a political tool to whip up their base into a righteous frenzy while conveniently ignoring the infidelities of their own candidate.
No contest at all on this end to get the last word in. Just a friendly little dialogue, right? You mention that the Reps. protect their own but slam the Dems when the newest scandal comes out. Well I don't hear the Dems condemning Edwards for cheating on his dying wife. Oh, and trust me the gutter rats are alive and well on both sides just waiting to bring out the BIG guns with BREAKING NEWS (true or not) on both Obama and McCain, you can take that one to the bank. love ya, Susan
Shouldn't the party of "family values" lead by example? John Edwards holds no political office so he has no constitutes and is responsible to no one but his wife and family. You seem fixated on Elizabeth's death, she is a cancer survivor who is not defined by her disease and has never sought pity for her disease. It is up to her how she wants to move forward and her disease has nothing to do with her husband cheating. You also asked me if any Republicans have "left someone to die and speed up their demise." The Republican President has sent over 4000 to die in a war of choice that was based on faulty intelligence. I would call that speeding up someones demise, or you could talk to a former student of mine who was crippled in an RPG attack. That is leaving someone to die. Once again, it is all about policy. As Churchill famously said when he was accused of changing his position he said, "when the facts change I change my positions. What do you do?" I now this is a side issue but you did ask me if republicans have ever left someone to die or speed up their demise. Look forward to going to the mats on this one!
That is one HELL (excuse me Kevin & Zach) CHEAP shot. It is because of President George W. Bush and the brave men and women that have died and served this country that we have NOT been attacked on this soil since 911!!! I know the old adage "take the fight to them instead of them taking the fight to us again" is quite old to some. But not to me. Also the House and Senate had the same "faulty" intelligence and the majority voted to send troops. But I guess in the Dole to Obama eyes one only blames President Bush. It is sooooooooooo easy for every doubting, quick fix American to sit and be an armchair quarterback and say there weren't any WMDS so it was all for nothing. I don't call putting a brutal dictator to death that killed over 2 million of his own people or our killing his repulsive sons, Uday and Qusay who raped and tortured women and children in the infamous "rape rooms" a mistake!! Nor to I think that our brave men and women who lost their lives and the ones that continue to serve think it was a mistake. We have liberated a country in one of the most dangerous parts of the World. If people think that isnt' going to prevent more Americans from dying in future wars than in my opinion they are sadly mistaken.
ABTW, I don't believe that Rush or Bennett were ever Senators or ever ran for the second highest office in the land. So while Edwards may not be a sitting Senator now he is far closer than Rush or Bennett ever have been.And know because his pants fell off his political career is over. Also my understanding is that his wifes cancer is fatal. Tony Snows was in remission and sadly he is gone. As most likely will Ted Kennedy and Robert Novak. While they all fight a brave and courageous fight the evil cancer, in some cases doesn't take time off. love ya, Susan
Editors note: Kevin and Zach do not read this blog! They cannot because they don't have my passwords. So feel free to let loose!!!
I thought this was a "friendly debate." You asked me specifically if "any republican has speed up someones demise." If my answers frighten or anger you than you should cease asking such questions. I am glad that you are so proud of our brave men in women in Iraq, as we all are. I recommend that you read two novels written by said brave men and women. My war by Colby Buzz and Generation Kill written by an embedded reporter Evan Wright. I can also put you in touch with a former student of mine PFC Tillsdale who bravely served our country in Iraq. I am curious as to why you consider it a cheap shot when our brave men and women have stated publicly and repeatedly that Bush has left them high and dry and has speeded up their demise. PFC Tillsdale and all soldiers have the right to express how they feel about their commander and chief. Please recommend any books on Iraq as I am always looking to further understand our current foreign policy. I wonder how you would feel if Clinton was in office and we invaded Iraq and there were no WMDs? Would your passionate support be the same for this war? Also by your logic of taking out a brutal dictator who has killed over two million I wonder why you are not passionate about taking out North Korea's dictator, Castro, or numerous brutal dictators in Africa. You also stated that you do not think that any soldiers think this war was a mistake. I encourage you to look into the organization, veterans against the war that has a membership in the thousands. I also personally know a Marine, Paul Jacobs, who thinks this war was a mistake.
One more thing, you stated that "it is easy for every doubting quick fix American to play armchair quarterback." Excuse me, quick fix? Susan, I supported this war for three years and thought it was the correct thing to do. I began to have doubts after our mercenaries in Blackwater were hung up on a bridge and the people we "liberated" danced around their burned bodies and dragged them through the streets. About year five of this war I began to view it as a serious mistake. We are now in year six of this war which has dragged on longer than World War I, II and the Civil War. After six years of comtemplation I do not call that a quick fix.
I am certainly one of the LAST people to back down from a discussion. I, like you love the challenge. Trust me I am not taking the easy way out. I could debate our differences from here to eternity. However I feel we are so far apart in our thinking that I don't think either your mind or mine will be changed by continuing on. Sometimes we need to know when to say when. love ya, Susan
I agree, we could have our own talk show on public access. However, I am not out to change anyone's mind. I just pose questions and let the discussion go where it may. I do find it interesting that you attack my positions and support of Obama rather than seeking to understand why a solid Republican who voted for Bush twice is now going to vote for Obama. The first e-mail I sent out stating my thoughts that I MAY vote for Obama you called him Osama Obama. I know you were joking but it shows the constant us versus them mentality that has gripped our nation. I was a hardcore right-winger and now I have changed my thinking due in no small part to the Rush and Hannity's of the world. In order to get ratings they must constantly demonize, belittle, make fun of etc. those who think differently from them. I find this to be counterproductive to one's happiness and sense of well being in the world. In 1992 I came home on Clinton's election night and told my Dad the country was going to hell. The next eight years the U.S. had unprecedented prosperity as you and my family reaped incredible benefits. I enjoy examining other views and would encourage you to watch, listen, read, all stations to see what they have to say. If you turn on CNN, read a Noam Chomsky book, listen to NPR or watch a Michael Moore documentary I promise I won't tell Rush!
Love you
I am a firm believer that we make our own luck. As I am glued to the Olympics I once again marvel at the determination,focus, dedication and sacrifice that these Olympic atheletes put forth. While we all, in some ways benefited from a roboust economy it always gets down to basics. Work hard and you WILL succeed no matter what the economy or dynamics are. Dennis and I have been through 3 major down markets since Dennis started his real estate career. A prudent agent learns to save for the down market and work their tail ends off even more when the market turns. However even in a down market the cream rises to the top. We have agents in our office that are doing more business now than they were in the gravy days of the past few years. Why?? Because they continue their same work ethics..............that being, good market or bad you work the same to be successful. That being said you make your own success no matter what the market is. That success is work hard, work smart and never think someone is going to bail you out. That has always and will always be my mantra for what the Republican party stands for. Not to be redundant but the Republican party says you can do it on your own and the Democratic party says you cannot do it without our help. On the Rush and Hannity comment I am so sorry that they had some influence on your straying from the the Rep. party.
I, for one am very thankful that the Right finally has a voice in a dominant Left media. I am thankful that there is (far from, but close) to a somewhat "fair and balanced" media outlet for both parties. On Obama, I am not going to even go there. I think we all agreed that we wouldn't bash the candidate of either party, just discuss their policies and how we disagree. So I will leave it at that.
I think it goes without saying that I love you a TON, as well. You and Garrett were, are and have been the most incredible blessings in our lives. Peace and love, Susan
"And he jabs, she counters with a right hook, he bobs, weaves and lands an uppercut, this could go all the way!!"
All I have to say is everyone should read(or watch
dvd's) Noam Chomsky. He's equally as critical of both sides and makes you think about what your impression of America's foreign policy would be if you weren't an American. Kind of like the "great"
Roman empire, kind of sucked if you weren't Roman.
My addition to the Republican mantra would be "The Republican party says you can do it on your own no matter who or what you abuse or destroy". Pauly's interpretation, "unregulated greed". Sad thing is this is pretty much the same mantra for the Dems, with a refreshing twist of lime.
Great talking points about the Republican party believing in hard work and not bailing people out but let us look at the facts.
1. Bush just signed major legislation to bail out homeowners who are caught in the sub-prime mortgage mess.
2. The Republican congress and Bush have expanded medicare, medicaid, early childhood educations, college loans, prescription drug coverage, federal employees, and have increased the size and scope of the federal government.
3. Please send me a quote of a Democrat who said, "you can't do it without us." Here is what Clinton was directly responsible for in the 1990s:
He kept Alan Greenspan, lowered interest rates, passed massive deregulation bills, passed a welfare reform bill, kept taxes low and presided over the lowest unemployment rate in our country's history.
One more point about making your own luck. You were born into a loving home with two parents who were married and loved and nurtured you. You did nothing to create this, you were just lucky. This foundation in your early childhood of having a stable home with a hardworking, responsible father contributed to the person you became. In my eight years in the classroom, as well as the work I do with the Freedom Writer Foundation, the young people with problems invariably came from single parent homes or had absentee parents. Did they create this unlucky situation? Of course not, but it is their reality.
Do you disagree with the programs that Bush has signed into legislation? It certainly helps alot of people, wouldn't you say. Counters the folks who accuse the Right of being just a bunch of selfish "country clubers".
With regard to Clinton. He inherited a robust economic recovery that had been under way for almost 2 years when he took office. We had a strong economic momentum going for almost a decade.
When he left office in 2001 he left W. and we the American people with a severely wounded economy that has not fully recovered from Clintons 2 terms in office. PLUS the stinging effects of 911 on our economy which we are still feeling to this day.
I have always considered myself the luckiest person in the world to have the BEST parents in the world. Grandpa was born into a loving and stable home. Grandma on the other hand had quite the reverse. She had a loving father until he died when Grandma was 37 years old. Grandmas mother died when Grandma was only 7. Grandma never really knew her mother as her mother became ill and her parents came to Boston and took her Mom to Calif. by train. Grandma last saw her Mom when she was 3 years old and has no recollection of her. She had a wicked stepmother who was abusive. However through all this Grandma had wonderful parental instincts on being a wonderful Mother. My reason for bringing this up is that if one is lucky enough to have 2 wonderful, loving, encouraging, nurturing and supportive parents it certainly gives one a huge leg up in the world. Thank God that all of us were blessed with the BEST.
love ya, Susan
I am glad to hear that you support the biggest increase in federal spending in the history of our union! That is not a traditional Republican belief but I am glad you support legislation where the government helps out the people. Please send me any information or statements from economist or people who work in financial institutions who would back up your claim that in 1992 we had a robust economy and in January of 2001 we had a severely wounded economy. I am curious as to where you get your information on the health of economy for the years 1992 through January of 2001. I love talking economics but at one point it would be fun to hear your thoughts on John McCain's character in regards to cheating on his wife. I think that is where this started three days ago! I know McCain's wife did not have cancer but she was in a severe auto accident, had multiple surgeries, and gained over one-hundred pounds, and McCain left her for someone 23 years younger than his wife. Where is the outrage over his character and integrity?
I don't profess to be a world economist, far from it. Having been through 3 cycles of down markets since Dennis started in real estate I do know one thing. You can quote a dozen different economist and they will most likely all have differing opinions on when the r.e. market is going to turn around. No one has the crystal ball. However I do believe that all Presidents have different challenges whether they be here at home or abroad that effect what happens with regard to the economy. Perhaps I overstated when I used the word robust about the economy in '92 when Clinton took office. However it certainly wasn't in the tank and there were signs that things were getting better. I don't think it was the brilliance and magic of Clinton alone that moved the country forward. I did look up the GDP when W. took over for Clinton and it is very interesting to see where we were in 2000 and then the decline leading into 2001. I will admit that economics is definately not my strong point. You are much more well versed on it than I am.
I never said that I supported BIG government, I don't. Are there times when the government can help those in needs, absolutely.
I have the same intolerance for McCain cheating on his wife as I do Edwards. If you read my original blog post about Edwards I mentioned "another politician that has no morals". I didn't say another Democrat. The only reason I mentioned Kennedy was because I felt that Edwards cheating on his wife while she is battling cancer was beyond the pale and reminding me of Kennedy leaving MaryJo K. to drown.
love ya, Susan
I still do not see the Chappaquiddick connection with cheating on your wife. Call me old fashioned, but I believe it is best to keep the family intact. Cheating on your wife and breaking your marriage vows is terrible, but deserting your wife and adopted children is much worse. The Clinton and Edwards marriage is still intact, to the benefit of their children. Sadly McCain made the choice to leave his wife and break up his family. Nancy Reagan refused to speak to McCain for twenty years because of this and the first Mrs. McCain stated she was "blindsided by John's affair and thought we had a happy marriage." I believe it showed a serious defect in McCain's character to leave his wife for a 23 year old and I would feel the exact same way if Obama abandoned his family for a 23 year old who just happened (by chance I'm sure) to be worth millions. I was curious as to why you had such anger at Edwards and not at McCain. I feel that if Elizabeth Edwards forgives him and wants to keep her family intact than we should respect her decision. After all, this affair only matters to the Edwards family.
P.S. I encourage all to watch footage of Carville discussing this topic-hilarious!
I bring up the Chappaquiddick event because Teddy was married at the time as well. He and MaryJo left the party together and unfortunately only one person made it back alive that night. I cannot imagine leaving someone to die while I saved my own tail. I equate that to Edwards cheating on his wife while she is fighting for her life to survive the deadly cancer. Point being how can someone leave someone to die or perhaps speed up someones terminal cancer.
Of course the ideal is to leave the family intact, who would argue with that. But there are times and circumstances in a marraige that just don't make that possible. However I am a firm believer that no marraige is broken up without both parties being aware that there were problems. It takes two to make it and two to break it. When you mention that McCains wife was blindsighted by his affair I just don't believe it. We have all been in relationships and know that there are ups and downs, good and bad times in every marraige or relationship. And one has to be in complete denial if they say as you said McCains first wife said that she thought they had a happy marraige. What planet was she living on to not realize that there were problems in the marraige.
You keep saying that I have anger over Edwards cheating on his wife and don't have the same anger towards McCain. I have no anger towards Edwards therefore why would I have anger against McCain. My feeling towards Edwards and McCain is disgust not anger. I am sure that McCains wife suffered as well but she had good health, alot of support to help her through the ordeal. Edwards wife does not have the same luxury of good health.
You mention the fact that Hillary and Elizabeth have forgiven their husbands for their cheating ways. While that might be true we are living in a different world as far as politicians wives involvement in their careers. It is quite obvious that Hillary has turned the other cheek in the many affairs that her husband has had starting when he was governor of Arkansas and I am quite sure before that. She has done this because she had her own political agenda and Bill was the platform that was going to propel her into a major player in politics. Put up with his affairs, no problem as long as she got what she wanted. Needless to say she was successful in her political career due in part to her looking the other way. That is up until this primary season. While I doubt that Elizabeth is battling for anything other than her life she is standing by her man for now. Time will tell what happens. love ya, Susan
Oops not sure why that posted twice. Trust me Paul I am not trying to push the 50 posts by posting duplicate posts, honest. Loved your analogy on Matt and my sparing. Aloha
I guess the planet McCains wife was living on was one in which men honor their marriage vows and do not abandon their wives. She was living on planet where marriage vows are sacred and a man's word is his bond. You also stated that it takes two to make it and two to break it. I guess she broke up the marriage by getting old. Still wondering what you think about a middle-age man going after a 23 year-old?
I have already answered in two other posts that I have intolerance towards McCain and Edwards for their affairs. Plus I said I was disgusted with both of their actions. What else do you want me to say? McCain should be sent back to Vietnam and live in the POW camp, resign from running for President, divorce Cindy and go back to his first wife?? I mean come on I think I have been pretty straight forward with my opinion on the subject matter. Oh, perhaps one thing I haven't commented on is how I feel about McCain cheating on his wife with a rich 23 year old. Not good but not as bad as Clinton having the affair with a 19 year old intern and then denied it. Monicas parents sent her to Washington to get an education. I doubt they thought their daughter would get the kind of education she ended up with. BUT back to the 23 year old. I have always felt that older men that have affairs with much younger women are just trying to stay young themselves. I know you have heard the term "trophy wives" a million times. Well perhaps that is what John McCain was looking for in Cindy. Who knows.
NOW can we put this question to bed, oops no pun intended.
love ya, Susan
love ya, Susan
Monica was 23, not 19 but good try. Thanks for bringing up the 5 years McCain was POW. During this time she remained committed to her marriage knowing she may never see her husband again. How did he repay her loyalty? By dumping her because she was old and fat.
Hey Gar, I think you hit a nerve with this one. I go on vacation for a week - come back to get caught up on the Grab Bag and I see 28 posts - 28! Crazy.
Here are my two cents. Any one who looks to DC to find morality is delusional. The Republicans are the bigger hypocrites because they campaign on morality and the dems haven't (historically - though they seem to be starting). Bush is a nightmare because as Matt has pointed out - he has out dem'd the dems. The Republicans are supposed to be fiscally conservative and 'constitutional' and he has expanded social programs, spent like a Kennedy on Spring Break and expanded government.
PS - I think it ironic that at least two of the things that Matt noted Bush did (expand health care and education spending) are two of the three major things Obama criticizes Bush for not doing. If only Obama was right....
Oh, I see she was 23 or not 19, does that make it o.k. for the President of the United States to have relationships with her. "I did not have a physical relationship with that women". Ya right.
As far as McCain and his first wife I don't really know if she remained committed to their marraige or not while he was in a prison camp. And I also didn't know that the only reason he dumped her was because she was old and fat. How old was she??
love ya, Susan
So it's bad for the prez and not bad for a Senator? McCains wife was pushing 50 so it was time for the trade in. My point again is how people, be it Republicans or Democrats, pick what to be outraged about based on their political affiliation. You were not upset about Rush's chronic drug abuse because he supports or dictates your political ideology. I did not hear outrage expressed when a Republican was caught sending sexual messages to teenage boys. So to me, your anger at Edwards seems out of proportion for cheating on his wife.
Welcome back my friend. You made a statement but cut off half of Obamas statement to try and make a point. Obama criticized Bush for not going far enough in expanding education and health care. Obama has praised Bush for partnering with Teddy (Susan, cover your eyes) Kennedy on NCLB. (No Child Left Behind) It is encouraging that so many "fiscally conservative" support Bush expanding the federal government because he has spent money like Ted Haggard on a meth binge.
Matt, I do appreciate you telling me what I did and why.... I could use your psychic powers at the track later this week - are you still on summer break? :)
Actually the quote I heard used the word 'nothing' - it sounds like he has altered his language to 'not enough.' Granted it was a sound bite I heard and it could have been taken out of context, but I am not sure how much considering the way he said, 'Bush has done nothing to increase spending on education, nothing for medicare, etc...' but again I was not privy to the whole original.
Perhaps my greatest error was tense choice. I said criticizes rather than criticized. Let this be a lesson to me never to assume a politician is the same today as last week. :)
You continue to say that I am not upset about McCain or any other Rep. who cheats on his wife, uses drugs, uses toilet stalls, etc. Not true. Look back at the blogs. While you continue to accuse me of not being upset if it is a Rep. I certainly don't see any outrage on your part with the behavior fo the Dems. What's up with that?
Love ya, Susan
It is all about proportional outrage. In your first response that started this, in the late 1990s, I think, you stated the following:
1. Edwards has no morals
2. He can betray and abuse whomever or whatever
3. It is the equivalent to murder
4. He can stomp on whomever he wants
5. He is killing his wife
6. And my favorite, Edwards should be selling pencils on the side of the street.
It struck me as over the top, perhaps I am wrong.
We missed you on this blog. Anytime you want me to clarify your thinking I will be happy to oblige! Yeah, I am on break, that is why I can go 15 rounds with my Aunt. I can't believe Garrett has stayed on the sidelines for this one.
Hey guys-
Can we end this thread so I can go back to doing more productive things with my time? Like watching the view and Dr. Phil? It's a really good one today on out of control babysitters.
Where is your outrage over the Dems behavior. You are quick to point out the Reps but not the Dems.
Don't you want to go 50 rounds?
Ah, the View. Know there is a fair and balanced show.........NOT!! If you are getting tired and want to spend more time with Whoopi and Dr. Phil I completely understand. :)
Love ya, Susan
P.S. I was wondering the same thing about Garrett not chiming in. Perhaps he is enjoying seeing the response that has be stirred up by this post.
P.S.S. A welcome back to Brett as well. I thought you were MIA when you hadn't jumped into the fray.
ahhhh yes, the good ol days of being a government employee - infallibility, a salary, a pension and 185 days off a year... the good life.
So you guys want my two cents? Most of it is in my post..I think 85% of politicians cheat on their wives. It's pretty hard not to...whether your JFK or a nationally known POW celebrity in the 1970's married to a wife that gained 100 pounds (according to Matt I'll take his word for it)
I listed conservatives and liberals who do it. What was amusing about the Edwards thing was the fact that he ran and hid from the photographers in the bathroom and ran down the staircase. If John McCain was caught in the same situation and handled it the same way as Edwards did, running away and hiding, I would come after him two guns blazing!!
What McCain did happened 30 YEARS AGO, (yes I believe he has done it since, but we don't know that for sure, it's rumors) Time does have a way of coloring events. W got his DUI in the 70's so I was willing to say "no big deal" but if he got a DUI joyriding in Crawford 1 month before the election there would be major problems!! Also in McCains case I am more apt to forgive character defects because of the fact that he spent 5.5 years in a North Vietnamese prison camp. I would do the same for Admiral Stockdale if he was still alive even if he was a communist!! You have to look at all factors when these things happen, you can't just condem or forgive solely based on Rep or Democrat.
Oh yeah, the easy life....let's see here:
30 kids per class
5 teaching periods per day
150 kids teenage kids per day
Teaching the Grapes of Wrath, Huck Finn, The Great Gatsby, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter and For Whom the Bell Tolls. Of course you do not have to grade quizzes, papers, mid-terms or finals. You do not have to deal with irate parents or school bureaucracy.
So let's do the math for you:
Seven days in one week
One Sunday per week
One hour sermon on Sunday
So you have infallibility (God's on your side)
You have 317 days off per year! If I wanted an easy life I would just work for God.
P.S. Save your justification for the "work" you do. I am tired of this.
What happened to light and easy. John Edwards was the issue and now it seems like we have all added other people, political or not into the mix. It appears this blog has taken a negative twist. Let's stick to the issues at hand. Love ya, Susan
OK there has been some drama indeed, but it has been handled behind the scenes......here comes Tasha saying "Ratee tatteee tattteeee" she is imitating the sound I make when I type on my keyboard. I love her.....and I love my brother and my good friend brett...
Can we all agree though that Cindy McCain would be the prettiest first lady since Jackie?
Hey, how about me???? :) Love ya, Susan
We are heading out of town early tomorrow morning. We will be back on Monday. The reason I am bringing this up is that I will not have any internet access (major withdrawal for me). Sooooooooo I will have to wait until we get back to see if 50 was hit. In the mean I will be waiting anxiously to see if the latest gossip that the Enquirer (I read it in the check out stand, honest)is reporting regarding Laura and W. getting a divorce when he leaves the White House is true. AND that Laura has already bought a house for herself in Texas!!
Love ya, Susan
We are just back in town and it appears that this blog post didn't reach 50 while I was gone. There is always another one. love ya, Susan
P.S. Sorry Paul
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